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05 March 2015


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Lazy competitive - yep, that's me too! I'm not going to put in any effort...unless it looks like someone else might beat me out. Then there's a burst of energy until I'm back on top, where I proceed to coast.

Biscuits -> donuts? Interesting.


First, your calligraphy is beautiful....but you already know that! Second, we got that crazy ass weather here in Texas too....we had school the first day..and I had to trek out in it to pick up the kids from three different schools...AND one was enroute to the ER 45 miles away for an emergency appendectomy with the hubbster....good times. Third, I have made those donuts.....they are in fact the bomb.com. We did powdered sugar and then a chocolate glaze made from melted Nutella.... mmmm!


How do you keep the lines so straight when you are doing your calligraphy?


Those donuts take me back! My sister and I used to make those when we were little. Apparently allowing small children to deep fry foods in a sauce pan unsupervised was totally acceptable in the 80's. We would throw twelve pounds of powdered sugar in a brown bag and shake the donuts in there to make them as awesome as possible. Oh my god those things were good. I might have to make those again some time, but I'm not sure I want to burn myself on the oil like I used to. Again, stellar parenting on my mom and dad's part.

Always glad to see a post from you. Just a stranger in Texas who enjoys your posts (and donuts).


"Truth be told, I'm a very lazy competitive person. I want to be the best but only if I can only half-ass try." OMG! That is so me too! *fist bump*


Wow, that calligraphy is gorgeous. I am so curious about it - how did you start? What training do you have? And like someone above said, how are your lines so straight and non-wobbly? Dang that must really take a toll on your writing hand. How about talking about that in your next monthly post??

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