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04 June 2015


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Beautiful girls. Beautiful work. I'm pretty sure you're not failing. Try this: Tell yourself "I am kicking ass. I meet unrealistic demands. My family is fantastic. My girls are wonderful. Sure, there's probably stuff I could do differently, but why? The important shit is covered." Priorities, man - you've got 'em set for what you need, so stop worrying about it.


here's the deal -- you love them, you show it, and they know it. that's really all they will ever need. just keep showing it. I agree with the above poster -- change your self talk -- YOU ARE AMAZING!!


I'm a little late to this dance party, but I have to leave my 2$ (that's my 2cents after inflation) Look at those girls! I think there's no failure in the parenting category. We all do the best we can as parents, and your girls look like they are doing the best they can too. They look confident, caring, loving, smart, and that's something to be proud of! <3

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