I gotta say, it is never a good sign when you try to login into your account to your blog, you have to input 7 passwords and then have to reset the damn thing because, dude, what is this place again?
The girls are out of school!!! YAAAASSSS!!! QUEEN!!!!
I'm actually able to get some shit done and pay a bill or two, three, four.... oh, whatever. I've lost count there.
Per the usual, I'm all over the place. I'm still trying to set up an Etsy shop so I can do more with less stress on the hand.
So, yeah, that will be up in 2019.
I'm in the middle of helping plan/coordinate my cousin's daughter's wedding from far away.
I've gotta say, I get my rocks off being creative and ticking things off of a list when it comes to young love. Not that I would go back to my 20's but I've gotta say, I would have loved to have the resources now that I didn't have then for my wedding.
Next stop: remote event planner extraordinaire! I'll only work with clients who like to text, email and don't mind me getting a bug up my ass at 1am!
I've been doing wedding, signs and stuff but alas, I'm not sure I've even documented any of it because, I hate my ghetto phone and I'm usually running behind to the next gig to take a pic for posterity's sake.
Just go to my Instagram feed (inkstainedfingers.com) if you want to see some stuff I'm trying to play off as all professional and shit.
If you don't understand the title of this post, then you obviously haven't watched t.v. and especially watched The Detour.
My mother even tried to warn my friends, family and foe that I'll be outtie soon!
" Make your appointments now to see Shana,
because in a few short weeks she will be unavailable due to Big Brother Summer programming. "
and no, I'm still not on the show. My phat ass and fucked up knee couldn't handle sitting around for hours on end with nothing to do.
Speaking of t.v. and well, social media.
Why do we have to be so fucking mean and evil?
Between the first female presumed Presidential nominee, the fucktard Ivy League rapist, people trying to kidnap your kid in your presence and all of the other profound images coming across us today; I just want to hide my head in the sand and make sure my girls don't go out into the wide blue expanse of negativity, devaluation and common respect and the fucking Golden Rule.
Are we all so desensitized and over saturated with images from social media that we have lost that sensitivity and empathy chip that separates us from non tax paying animals?
Let's all sigh and say, What the Fuck?
What the Fuck is happening to this country and humanity?
We might as well have a Zombie End-of-the-World situation because everyone is acting like mind numbing flesh eaters.
but first, let me get a new knee so I can run faster than a walker to save my shit.
end of rant for now.
glad I posted, no?
and now, my moments of Zen:
Things have been rather crazy lately. And with the Cubs in first place, I might be convinced that the end times are near.
Fortunately, you post pictures of your girls that show there is still light and goodness in this world.
Posted by: a | 09 June 2016 at 12:51 PM