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22 January 2017


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Amen. I am just so weary of all of this. All sides. Gotta remember to be "IN the world but not OF the world". I kind of "get" the people that post cat videos nonstop. Disheartening to watch former high school classmates tear others to shreds over this (and honestly, truthfully at least in my world - it is the Hillary supporters who are acting the worst). I am almost ready to unfriend one guy, a verified journalist who has worked local radio news and la times, because he was mocking one former classmate, a Trump supporter, for her lack of continued education and no travels out of the country so OF COURSE she was an idiot. Guess I am waiting to see what else he will do - luckily most came to her defense.

PLEASE care about your selfish agenda and keep posting about that - it is normal . . and that is what so many of us are craving (though yes we must all try to save the world as well).

Silly laughter is the best. Have you ever been to an Aldi market? All their brand names are blatant ripoffs of major brand names - like Mama Cozies instead of Mama Cozza's or Peppertree Barn instead of Pepperidge Farm. ..so my husband and I just spent half an hour hysterically making up ALDI names for every brand in our pantry. Felt good. Maybe you had to be there but I think you will get it, lol.

And EVERYONE should have to waiter/waitress for a mandatory 2 years. We all might be far more patient and human. Me, my husband AND daughter are all proud former servers.

Take care. Love you! Thanks for not lambasting me!



Grammar police I Have no idea how to make that sentence "I, my husband . .grammatically correct. I KNOW IT'S NOT CORRECT.


Well said! Sometimes I think about moving back there because private school for my two odd ducks would be in reach. But then I think about leaving my lovely liberal bubble in NJ. And all those high school friends who have such a different world view than I do. And I don't have the fight in me right now. Thank you for fighting the good fight, momma!


I'm having a hard time with people lately. People cannot see themselves at all. I appreciate your self-reflection, although I think you are a bit harsh most of the time. Nobody but you (and me, and like...5 other people) has anywhere they need to be at any time, and so they feel like they can just mosey along and smell the roses. Why are you selfish for speeding, but they're not selfish for driving slow, especially when they're doing it in the passing lane? GRRRR - everyone and everything is irritating me, so I'm guessing I have PMS.

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