Facebook has been taunting me and berating me of my 45 day absence. Facebook needs to give two shits and leave me alone.
Sometimes you have to live or survive instead of stopping every 3.2 nanoseconds to document it for all to oooh and ahhh over.
I've seen a lot of of "fuck you 2014!" all over the nets. I'm guessing last year sucked-ass for most. I can't say it sucked more than any other year. In some ways it was better and some ways it was way worse than my past memories of years gone by.
The Good, Bad and Ugly of 2014:
We are ALL still alive! BAM!! Bonus points there!
The kids made it to the next level of education with flying colors and no one flunked!
Our youngest started Kindergarten. Oops! That didn't happen but one can imagine that fantasy, no?
I STILL over commit and over volunteer but epicly under deliver. Though, I did learn how to say NO way more than YES!
I am still late to everything but have shaved my late-dom time down five minutes.
I lost over 60lbs but stalled. I'm hoping this year I can lose another 60lbs. This would be both satisfying and a big fuck you to people who think my weight is worth more than my intelligence. Because apparently looks are way more important. Because you all know fat equals stupid, lazy, unintelligent fat-fuck.
Rich and I almost, like really ALMOST ended our union this year.
May was the month we like to describe as intense come-to-Jesus moments that brought our 24-years together to a windy and lost in the creepy and scary woods end-of-the-road bend to a more calm and serene brook in an abandoned forest of no one but us. Nothing else exists but us. Better than before with a more detailed and transcribed map.
I really didn't think we were going to make it. I NEVER want to go through that time or relive it again. If I had to, I know I wouldn't survive.
I shut down writing what I think about most things. This was both good and bad.
I was officially divorced, ex-communicated, mud sludged and strewn about like a total disposable garbage bag from Rich's family. *Yawn*
In otherwise good news: other than 'old' shit that never happened but perpetuated by said family being brought up right before Christmas (not to me but to Rich because, why? oh, yeah, I'm to always remember my place as a dubious and shitty character. *Yawn*) - this holiday season was way more peaceful and calming. Our kids thanked us.
Helll, I'm ready to take my Christmas tree down BEFORE Easter!
Positive shit, people! Positive shit!
Summer flew by with a blur of wedding work and dance competitions.
School started with a bam and so did the hormonal shit.
I'm learning a whole new set of a patience level I never had or think I have now dealing with girls.
Walking Dead and Minecraft have replaced Monster High and American Girl Dolls.
Hell, as I write this, the girls are building and destroying shit with glee on their last night of staying up late as Minecraft junkies.
Resolutions for the New Year:
I vow to keep more toilet paper in my house and more than a 1/4 tank of gas in my car.
I will not cut my hair again during a hormonal rage for at least another 12 months.
I will not pick on my face until I scar the tip of my nose for four months for at least another 12 months.
Get more pedicures.
Finally watch the final last four episodes of Breaking Bad and House of Cards.
Take more pictures of kids even if they don't want me to document them.
Wear more lingerie and less baggie pj shit.
Wear matching bra and underwear.
Use more coupons but buy less shit.
Organize more, purge more and hoard less.
Spend more time with my mother.
Spend more time with friends who matter.
Have more dates with my husband and even a much needed getaway with my husband. 13 years since our last vacation alone is way too long.
Find the perfect size 11 cute shoes.
Wear red lipstick more often.
Whiten my teeth more.
Cuss less... Ha! Fuck that!
Quit chewing my nails.
Paint them more often.
Take my meds regularly.
File my taxes on time this year for once.
Say No! at least twice a week and mean it.
Write a trashy novel with my mother.
Tell everyone I love them at least once a day though I think this is the only thing I do DO regularly.

Pray to God and Dave more regularly.
and embrace the oddity of life waaayy more....

Peace be With You, 2015!