I took on a long-termish sub position with one of the girl's school until Christmas. I guess I was high when I said yes because, LORT! I am beyond over-taxed.
The plus? I haven't cooked for awhile. The plus? I haven't cooked for awhile.
This means a few pounds saved except for the Thanksgiving Carb-fest that pounded it's way all over my ass and thighs.
A sight to behold.
This week consisted of the annual Beaux Arts thingy I do with little to no time available. This year consisted of 3/4 less the time than usual. Wee!!!! Basically, I slept for 6 hours of three nights to get this shit out for all to pour their Cab Savs all about my handy work.
totally pissed about that renegade envelope to top left.
Everyone in the OKC lost a tree, shrub or weed during the great ICE STORM OF 2015!
Including us.
Murphy's Law: When you purchase a shit-ton of shaded grass due a ginormous tree killing your grass, One will burn those dollars quickly due to Mother Nature.
and because you just might not have the bestus of luck in life.
Thanksgiving came and went.
I cooked my first turkey. Upside down. Basically boiled in butter. At least it was moist? (barf! on the word)
Have I ever mentioned I hate Thanksgiving?
Where are the presents?
As much as I like to eat, I am SO not about the food.
I'm thinking next year, cheese fries need to be a part of our menu.
Just maybe.... I'll be on board for this day.
We had our annual Thanksgiving pic.
I don't recognize one person in this photo.
With my Alzheimer's setting in, I'm not quite sure I was even there because Holy Hell! That is surely not me!
and those pseudo-kids?
Who let them into my house while I was rubbing down the turkey with a vat of butter at 6am?
Speaking of losing my mind, I lost my wristlet purse yesterday. I think it was at a local Pho restaurant. They have yet to look at their surveillance photos to prove, I indeed picked it up before I left and somehow slung it into a shrub somewhere along the way home.or a squirrel burrowed it in a tree for their stash. Just to fuck with me.
No charges have been made to either our personal or business accounts but I'm most pissed about the $10.00 Card from Target received after a hefty shopping experience last week.
and a $100.00 gift card given to me from a bride in May as a gift for my services.
Sadly, I haven't been able to use it these past six months due to poor planning on my part.
or what Rich would say, my Jan-Brady volunteering schedule.
I am going to be positive about this situation. Positive about my now lost driver's license on how I really needed a new picture since the old one looked like the poster child for the "Stay Puff Marshmallow's" older and more mature sister.
If you haven't watched the mid-season finale of "The Walking Dead......"
What the hell do you do with your life and time?
Thankfully, Glenn didn't sorta die again tonight but, whaaa?
stop making me rock back and forth with anticipation to only realize the rollercoaster was a kiddie ride.
Final words on the episode?
Obviously, Sam was never raised with my mother and "THE LOOK!"
The look STILL makes me feel like I'm 10-years-old!
Celia would have totally backhanded him into the walkers.
She SO doesn't have time for such shenanigans.